Ph: 251-634-3133
April, 2023
A Stitch A Day Keeps Reality Away
Sew, we're still revising the website (as I'm sure you've noticed -- it's still a disaster, gone to the feed-dogs, if you will).
This means a lot of sitting and standing and sitting and standing and... you get my point.
After a while your chair becomes uncomfortable and then you just lose motivation.
The Solution:
A really comfortable chair.
Everyone has an opinion as to what makes a chair the best - whether it's the ability to adjust all the parts of the chair, the height of the back, or the smoothness of the wheel roll (or a lack of wheels, we don't judge.. much).
This means a lot of sitting and standing and sitting and standing and... you get my point.
After a while your chair becomes uncomfortable and then you just lose motivation.
The Solution:
A really comfortable chair.
Everyone has an opinion as to what makes a chair the best - whether it's the ability to adjust all the parts of the chair, the height of the back, or the smoothness of the wheel roll (or a lack of wheels, we don't judge.. much).
And while a fancy chair with all the bells and whistles sounds wonderful (I was reading an advertisement for one and - heating and massaging!! It sounds amazing, but also super DiStRaCtInG) - they aren't always the best option.
We have a few varieties as far as chairs, the Bernina Chair has 3 levers for customizing the seat and back position for instance, but sometimes simple is best- so I introduce you to a personal favorite:
The Arrow Sewing Chair
Simple, with a lever for adjusting the chair, classic wheels, and perfect back height!
The back sits perfectly in the small of your back allowing for more comfortable continuous sewing.
A storage spot for all your nifty notions, or hide-y hole for putting your scissors that other members of your household all of a sudden can't remember not to use on paper or plastic, or aluminum.
(or a secret stash for the fabric you swore you were not buying)
While I am happy to hoard them all myself - one person can't sit in 10 chairs.
You totally have to take a ride seat!
The back sits perfectly in the small of your back allowing for more comfortable continuous sewing.
A storage spot for all your nifty notions, or hide-y hole for putting your scissors that other members of your household all of a sudden can't remember not to use on paper or plastic, or aluminum.
(or a secret stash for the fabric you swore you were not buying)
While I am happy to hoard them all myself - one person can't sit in 10 chairs.
You totally have to take a ride seat!
*There were no chairs harmed in the making of this blog.